11 Diffusion key p. 95


    Hypothesis concerning the effect of temperature on the diffusion of KMnO4:
    Diffusion of KMnO4 is faster at higher temperature.
    BeakerTemperature °CMinutes
    0 10 20 30 40 50 60


    1. List the experimental variables in the experiment. How did the solution in each beaker change in appearance over the duration of the experiment? Explain the change.
      Size of crystal, volume of water, temperature.
      The dye became less localized in the beaker and more spread out over time; the concentration gradient decreased.

    2. Using findings of this experiment, explain the relationship for temperature, molecular motion, and diffusion.
      Diffusion is faster at higher temperature because molecules move faster.

  2. DIALYSIS p. 96

    Hypothesis concerning the diffusion of glucose, starch, and sodium chloride:
    NaCl should diffuse out of the bag, react with Silver nitrate; starch and glucose are too large to diffuse through.
    Chemical tested Testing reagentResultConclusion
    GlucoseBenedict's -stay blue (not red)
    StarchIodine-stay orange (not blue-black)
    NaClSilver Nitrate+white precipitate

    Final volume of the dialysis bag should be greater than initial volume due to osmosis.

    1. With relationship to a cell, what do the dialysis tubing and contents of the tube represent?
      Dialysis tubing represents plasma membrane, contents represent cytosol.

    2. Using findings of the experiment, explain the relationship between particle size and material diffusing through a membrane.
      Smaller particles (NaCl) can diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane.

    3. How did the volume of liquid contained in the bag change over the observation period? Provide explanation to the experimental results and include in your explanation, the types of environment (e.g. hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic with reference to the solute) that surrounded the bag.
      Environment is hypotonic (sugars cannot diffuse through membrane), the bag (cell) should swell (increase volume) by osmosis.

  3. OSMOSIS p. 97 Hypothesis: Distilled water should enter the bag, set initial meniscus low. Height of solution should increase.

    Change in height (ml) with time:
    Setup10 min20 min30 min40 min
    Setup 1754.53

    1. Did the rate of diffusion change as time progressed? Explain.
      Rate of diffusion should decrease as osmotic pressure decreases.

    2. Describe how the rate of diffusion varied between Setup 1 and Setup 2?
      Setup 2 (2M sucrose) is more concentrated than Setup 1 (1M sucrose), more water should enter the bag (faster).

    3. Was your hypothesis supported for Setup 1? What type of environment was present in the beaker: hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic? Explain your choice of type of environment.
      Hopefully the hypothesis was supported. Environment was hypotonic: concentration of solutes in the beaker was less than that in the bag.

    4. Was your hypothesis supported for Setup 2? What type of environment was present in the beaker: hypertonic, isotonic, or hypotonic? Explain your choice of type of environment.
      Hopefully the hypothesis was supported. Environment was hypotonic: concentration of solutes in the beaker was less than that in the bag.

    5. What type of environment would not cause a change in the height of the solution in the pipet? Provide the term that describes this environment and predict the concentration of solution that would create this situation.
      Isotonic - distilled water.


    1. Using the terms size and motion, describe a colloid particle.
    2. Do the particles follow a common pattern of movement?


    1. Describe your observations with respect to sol-gel reversal.

Lab notes made Jul 09, 2010 by Peter Chen