10 Tissues key p. 87


  2. PLANT TISSUES p. 88

Questions p. 89

  1. Complete the chart below to summarize the characteristics of animal and plant tissue types.
          ANIMAL TISSUES                       PLANT TISSUES
    Epithelial                                Meristematic
     line body surfaces & cavities             rapid growth
     tightly packed w little filler            dense - root hairs
     protect/absorb, secrete/excrete           can see cells in mitosis
     skin, cheek

    Connective Permanent-Epidermal support/hold parts together external layer - coated with wax blood bone - central canal/osteon

    Muscular Permanent-Fundamental/Ground contractile parenchyma, collenchyma striated, cardiac, smooth photosynthesis & support

    Nervous Permanent-Vascular transmit stimuli transport system soma w/ long axon, dendrites xylem and phloem neuron

  2. Contrast the animal and plant tissues that you have observed.
    Plant cells have chloroplasts, central vacuole, cell walls.

Lab notes made Oct 11, 2009 by Peter Chen