Chapter 2: The Chemical Context of Life

element Elements song 2010 Nobel prize for physics: graphene PENCIL graphite, PAPER CLIP: Al 13.
elements Magnesium: bone & teeth, co-factor in enzymes; chlorophyll.
atom He atomic number? 2 Mass? 4. Electron cloud and shells.
excited Argon atomic number 18: 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6. Since all of its 3p orbitals are filled, it is considered a noble gas. The 3rd principal energy level can also accept up to 5 3d orbitals (3d5), so it can be said that the 3rd "shell" has a maximum of 18 electrons (quantum mechanical model), but 8 electrons (Bohr model) in the 3rd "shell" is stable.
shells PENCIL graphite, PAPER CLIP: Al 13; matter: has mass + space; Hindenburg ! H/He balloon , elements.
gecko Gecko adhesion by Van der Waals forces (12:00 - 16:30) Van de Graaff electrostatic generator: static by chemical reaction.
SQ 1=B  2=a  3=b  4=B? 5=C? 6=B? 7=b  8=a  9=b 10=b
  1. Orbitals: 4s electrons lower energy than 3d electrons - transition elements.
  2. Heat of vaporization 2.26 J/g 100ºC.