Chapter 5: The Structure and Function of Macromolecules

carbohydrate This diagram is starch.
monosaccharides Glucose & galactose are stereo isomers.
glucose Hydroxyls on 1 & 2 carbons - not geometric no double bond.
chitin BBC-LifeInTheUndergrowth/1.2_TakingToTheAir/#1:33:20 Cicadas
Every other glucose (beta form) is upside down to its neighbors.
cellulose Beta glucose monomers.
starch Alpha glucose monomers (stereo isomer at carbon 1). Amylopectin is branched like glycogen.
fat-saturated This is stearic acid; fish unsaturated.
fat-unsaturated PEANUT BUTTER/POTATO CHIPS: trans fat/onega-3.
This is oleic acid found in olive oil. Unsaturated converted to solids by hydrogenation.
protein Fibers (actin) have no 2nd structure.
amino_acid Only L isomers are found in proteins.

SQ 1=d  2=c  3=A  4=a  5=b  6=a  7=D  8=B  9=B 10=b
  1. Sugars glucose: blood sugar galactose: milk, yogurt fructose: HF corn syrup, fruit, vegetables, not regulated by insulin -> fat; insulin resis; type II diabetes; corn price artificially low D-glucose and L-glucose are enantiomers. D-glucose (dextrose) in living things, left-handed L amino acids.
  2. Carbohydrate loading: deplete glycogen, then carb-rich 3 days b4 event; now no depletion - decreased training.
  3. Lipids: bread contains mono- and diglycerides as “dough conditioners.” Fatty acids in soap (Romans animal fat and wood ashes): hydrophobic tails, carboxyl hydrophilic heads: emulsify oily dirt. Phosphate builders sodium tripolyphosphate (dry detergents) or sodium/potassium phosphates.
  4. Hydrogenated fats may contain trans-fats: LDL low-density lipoproteins transport cholesterol from liver to tissues.
  5. Natural peanut butter: no stabilizer; oil separates.
  6. transthyretin: plasma protein that binds retinol and thyroxine, transport vitamin A.
  7. Curly hair: keratin disulfide bonds; sulfur in methionine and cysteine.
  8. Collagen: ligament connects bone or cartilage (elastic, fibrous connective tissue converted to bone); tendon connects muscle with its bony attachment.
  9. Hemoglobin heme(iron) and chlorophyll (magnesium) both have porphin ring.
  10. Ribonuclease: a secreted enzyme that hydrolyzes RNA during digestion
    NMR align a magnetic nucleus (hydrogen atom) with external magnetic field, perturb this alignment using an electromagnetic field. NMR spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging.
  11. Nucleotide is nucleoside monophosphate. AMP is a nucleotide.
  12. CICADA recipe (drum-like membranes: tymbals)