Chapter 7: Membrane Structure and Function

fluid_mosaic Steroids can cross: hydrophobic.
diffusion RAISIN/GRAPES/SALT - 2 cups/chopsticks.
tonicity saline 0.91% NaCl,
water_balance-animals DRINK FROM LAKE OR OCEAN?
water_balance-plants TOILET PAPER: TURGID=swollen.
endocytosis-receptor HHMI 7-12:30 Dengue Virus endocytosis; 2nd serotype 2nd binding not to lysosome.
ACT 7A: review labels in step 2
ACT 7F: step 2 answer always A
1=b  2=c  3=a  4=D  5=B
 6=c  7=b  8=b  9=A 10=c
  1. Extracellular Matrix (ECM) : support, adhesion, movement, & regulation (collagen fibers woven from glycoproteins).
  2. Mosaic: picture of colored pieces of inlaid stone, glass.
  3. Water transported across membranes by diffusion through lipid bilayer and through water channels called aquaporins.
  4. Marine fish (hypertonic): constant drinking, excrete excess salts - chloride excretory cells in gills.
    Sharks store urea and TMAO - sea water is hypotonic; filtered by kidneys, excreted in cloaca.
  5. Salt glands in marine birds: grebes, loons, penguins (near eyes, excreted from nasal passages) and Laysan (lai-SAHN) albatrosses (above eyes).
  6. Poison Ivy: Toxicodendron radicans or Rhus toxicodendron.
  7. sodium-potassium pump: 3 Na+ out, 2 K+ in, -70 mV (inside negative).