Chapter 14: Mendel and the Gene Idea

pea WASABI PEAS; peanut embryo
genes Define genome.
segregation Separate in meiosis I, unless x-over.
bloodABO Donated blood contains only RBC, no plasma. Type A has anti-B antobody, AB has none. Vid
melanin 8 possible F1 genotypes: AaBbCC missing? Eumelanin (red) and pheomelanin (brown).
Pedigree tutorial: 1=recessive(skip), 2=autosomal, 3=both parents, 4=recessive, sex-linked, dominant
8e: 1=  2=d  3=A  4=b 5=b 6=D 7=c 8=D(C ok(?) 9=a 10=A
  1. Blending Darwin
    Miscegenation in US: mixing of races, "one drop" theory.
    Anti-miscegenation laws (Biblical story of Phinehas, grandson of Aaron killed an Israelite man, Zimri, and a Midianite woman, Cozbi, who were sleeping together.) upheld by Supreme Court in 1883 case Pace v. Alabama, overturned 1967 Loving v. Virginia., Alabama last state to repeal its law 2000. But prediction: uniform population.
  2. Primary colors: CMY subtractive, RGB additive.
  3. R.A. Fisher: Mendel had had falsified his results?
    Seven traits on seven pea chromosomes.
    Human eye color & hair color genes on chromosomes 15 and 19.
  4. Homo (Greek homos, same). hom (Latin man)
  5. Reginald Punnett 1875-1967 discovered gene linkage in sweet peas at Cambridge University, friend of G. H. Hardy: why recessive phenotypes persist.
  6. FOIL: multiplying binomial
  7. Incomplete dominance is not blending. Cross pink & white.
  8. Tay-Sachs disease lack a functioning enzyme to metabolize lipids. At molecular level, the Tay-Sachs and functional alleles are codominant..
  9. Pleiotropy: one gene multiple phenotypes: sickle-cell disease: clog vessels, pain, organ damage, paralysis.
  10. Epistasis: gene at one locus alters phenotypic expression at second locus. Mouse coat color bb is brown, but cc albino.
  11. Quantitative variation usually indicates polygenic inheritance.
  12. Multifactorial characters: phenotype may depend on environment.