Chapter 18: Regulation of Gene Expression

trp_regulation Central dogma: transcribed=expression
lac_operon Ferment; beta galactosidase converts some lac to allo; cistron=locus -> polypeptide.
lac_repressed lacI Inhibits by making repressor; operon also has lacY, lacA
activator Distal control elements (far from promoter); note transcription factors. DNA transcription: initiation complex
acetylation NSN_Epigenetics.mp4 3:00 mice agouti gene methylated (CH3) NOVA
QH438.5 .G456 2006 Ghost in Your Genes: 13:00 Epigenetic deletion in chromosome 15, depends on parent.
Epigenetic (ABOVE) change in gametes lead to genomic imprinting.
splicing Troponin T muscle proteins - binds to tropomyosin to associate with actin.
euk-regulation_cytoplasm Review 1: says drgrade poly-A tail first.
mRNA_degradation REVU; donot confuse miRNA w mRNA.
cytoplasmic 2008 physics Nobel: spontaneous broken symmetry
cytoplasmic_Drosophila 21 B Bicoid mRNA from nurse cells.
determination MyoD (transcription factor) activates other genes, blocks cell cycle - multinucleate.
proto-oncogene Transposable elements in ch21. ras is proto-oncogene; p53 tumor-suppressor.
p53_tumor-suppressor Tumor-suppressor also repair DNA. Adenovirus and p53:
colorectal_cancer Colonoscope removes pre-cancerous polyp Colonoscopy
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