Chapter 19: Viruses

viral DNA used for replication AND transcription.
virus Adenovirus bronchiolitis, ear infection.
animal_virus VIRUS LOTTERY. Flu=RNA Orthomyxovirus
HIV Note glycoproteins. Lyses T cells but not initial macrophages; killed by cytotoxic T. HIV life cycle: reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease HIV treatment: AZT blocks reverse transcriptase HIV treatment: Ritonavir protease inhibitor Endogenous retroviruses: life cycle and ancestral implications
19&E: RNA-binding regulatory protein - NOT lac repressor that binds to operator (DNA);
binds to 5? untranslated region (5? UTR) of mRNA, preventing ribosome attachment (UNUSED).
1=C  2=A  3=A? 4=A  5=E  identical
6=A? 7=C  8=C  9=B 10=B? ... division
  1. euchromatin: extended form
  2. heterochromatin: highly packed
  3. Amino end of protein: other end is carboxyl
  4. Histone acetylation: acetyl groups (—COCH3) attached to positively charged lysines, neutralizes positive histone tails, no longer bind to neighboring nucleosomes.
    Histone methylation leads to chromatin condensation.
    DNA methylation (esp. Cytosine): repress transcription.
  5. Control elements: proximal close to promoter, distal far or in intron.