Chapter 33: Invertebrates

Annelid BBC-BluePlanet/3.6_CoralSeas/#3:30 Christmas Tree Worm
sponge Spicules w spongin protein; cellulose; Luffa fruit. PBS-ShapeOfLife/1.1_Origins/#29:00 feeding.
phylum_Cnidaria BBC-BluePlanet/3.6_CoralSeas/#9:15 Coral polyps fight, 13:25 Humphead Parrotfish
cnidaria BBC-BluePlanet/3.6_CoralSeas/#40:00 Coral spawning
hydrozoa Obelia
fluke Swimmer's itch: birs are primary hosts.
trichinella Muscule pain, breathing, heart failure.
cephalopod BALLOONS jet propulsion. Blue blood: copper-rich hemocyanin, 3 hearts.
gastropod BBC-BluePlanet/3.5_SeasonalSeas/#5:55 Jellyfish polyps 23:55 Sea Slug Navanax stalks Janulus
mollusca Many scrape food using rasplike radula with backward-curved "teeth": ciliated larva: trochophore
leech CUE UP NSN_Leeches.mp4 6:00-9:00 severed fingers, hirudin blood thinner Medicinal leech (NOVA scienceNOW)
myriapoda Sub-phylum.
arachnid Also Demodex mites in hair follicles.
arthropoda First 3 pairs legs end in pincers.
echinoidea Sand dollar.
echinoderm Mouth at bottom. WVS locomotion, gas exchange.
ophiuroidea Brittle crawl. PBS-ShapeOfLife/3.6_SurvivalGame/#18:00 Sunf. starfish >abalone: scallop eyes.
1=C Cnidaria and Bilateria!  2=a  3=d  4=E exoskeleton?  5=B locomotion, gas exchange  6=e
  1. Porifera Sponges have a diploblastic embryo
  2. Amoebocytes take food from water and from choanocytes, digest, and carry nutrients to other cells; also manufacture skeletal fibers within the mesohyl. Some fibers are sharp spicules made from calcium carbonate or silica; other sponges produce flexible fibers of collagen protein (triple helix) called spongin.
    Luffa cylindrica is NOT a sponge, but a plant (Sponge Gourd)
    Commercial Cellulose Sponge.
  3. Sea anemone (Anthozoa) stinging cells not powerful enough to go through skin.
  4. Meta: later stage of development: metanephros, metazoa, metathorax (after meso).
  5. (Fasciola hepatica, liver fluke) Hepatosplenomegaly: enlargement of liver and spleen from Trematoda Schistosoma mansoni: skin penetration (swimmers' itch).
  6. Gravid proglottids 1,000 proglottids, 50,000 - 100,000 and T. solium may produce eggs. Humans become infected by ingesting raw or undercooked infected meat:
    longest animal is a tapeworm 130 feet long (whale)
    Taenia solium Pork tapeworm can encyst in brain (rare).
  7. Gastropoda: abalones and limpets. Barnacle is arthropod, subphylum Crustacea, infraclass Cirripedia/
  8. Oligos, few, chaite¯, long hair. Chaetae: bristles made of chitin. Clitellum secretes a mucous cocoon, pick up eggs then stored sperm. Cocoon then slips off worm?s head.
  9. Filarial superfamily Filarioidea: threadlike nematode worms; heartworm dogs.
  10. Millipedes may guard nest.
  11. Hexpoda: Diplura=2 tails (cerci), Protura=1st tail, Collembola