Chapter 4: Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life

isomers MOLYMOD. Latin levo and dextro.
L-alanine animation warmup.
ACT 4B isomers step 4: stru, stru, iden, enan, geom, stru,
diff, enan, geom, stru, diff, iden
redo functional group figures from LEC ppt

isomer-geometric Rhodopsin cis -> trans (such as retinal)
isomer-enantiomer Dextro - levo. L-DOPA (derivative of L-tyrosine) treats PD, can cross BBB, converted to dopamine.
functional Revu!
phosphate valence +3 (3 p electrons) but also +5 (with s orbital electrons?) (-OPO32-)
sulfhydryl Cysteine has SH; sulfuric acid is H2SO4.
hormones hydroxyl, carbonyl (C is hidden), methyl
SQ 1=d 2=c 
  1. early 19th century Swedish Jöns Jakob Berzelius: organic compounds only within living organisms: vitalism life force. 1828, Friedrich Wöhler made urea.
  2. 1953, Stanley Miller: mechanism.
  3. Rhodopsin: thermolabile protein, bleached in dim light to opsin and retinal. Photon converts cis isomer of retinal to trans-retinal.
    Beta–carotene from plants converted to vitamin A.
  4. Testosterone steroid hormone from progesterone, derivative of cholesterol (4 fused rings): Leydig cells of testes, zona reticulosa of adrenal cortex, theca cells in ovaries, placenta: spermatogenesis, protein synthesis and growth, hair, voice.
  5. Precursor of estradiol (difference: methyl, hydroxyl group)
  6. Carbohydrate: Cn(H2O)n
  7. carbonyl double bond: slightly polar