Chapter 25: The History of Life on Earth

strata BBC-Earth/Disc1/#28:50 (QE31 .S72 2007, 551 EAR Blu-ray)
Stromatolites 29:50 Snowball Earth 1:14:20 Stromatolites photosynthetic 1:17:15 Banded iron
Igneous, Metamorphic. Dimetrodon on LEFT: no scales, related to synapsid mammals.
Plesiosaur not dinosaurs (terrestrial diapsid archosaur).
Placoderm armoured fish
Ammonite: Mollusca, Cephalopoda - octopus, nautilus.
Geological Phanerozoic=.5 BYA. Archaen prokaryote; Proterozoic euk/multi. Ignore epochs. Fungi not shown?
clock This clock actually 5 BY. H. sapiens 160KYA. Phanerozoic eon last 3 eras. Universe 14 B?
oxygen Banded iron source of ore.
endo Plastid: amyloplasts store starch. photosynthetic sea slug BBC-BluePlanet/3.6_CoralSeas/#5:30 Polyps 6:55 algae inside ("plants"=Dinoflagellata) 9:15 fight
cambrian Taxa: Class Mammaalia, Order Primates -> Family Hominidae (apes).
synapsids Descent from top skull. Cynodont=dog teeth. Why snake for reptiles?
plates BBC-Earth/Disc1/#11:10 (QE31 .S72, 551 EAR Blu-ray) N American/Eurasian plates split 13:50 Pangea
boundaries Fluid outer core (iron - magnetic), solid inner.
drift This is Phanerozoic eon; Pangaea: Permian; breakup mid-Mesozoic. Gulf Stream warms Europe.
extinctions Discovery-MiraclePlanet/4_ExtinctionRebirth/#5:00 (QE501 .B8182) Permian volcanic eruptions.
Ordovician seems largest extinction? Tertiary=Paleogene + Neogene.
KT Parasaurolophus, Megazostrodon! Asteroid belt Mars-Jupiter; meteorite: cold or warm climate?
NOVA: Last Extinction (nanodiamonds in Greenland ice sheets: comet 13KYA killed ice age animals?)
mammal_radiation Echidna: 4 species.
radiation IMAX-HiddenHawaii/#9:40 Silversword Maui Haleakala 1,860 mi fr cont. 10-50 Y, 2m: agave yucca.
REDO Permian, etc...
8eSQ	1=c  2=a  3=E  4=B
Old chap25:
QH325 .S453 2001: The shape of life
  • Linnaeus Sweden
  • Eutherian: young complete their embryonic development in a uterus within the mother’s body.
    Star-nosed mole tiny eyes, paws like breaststroke; star consists of 22 rays surround nostrils, appendages in feeding on earthworms, insect larvae.
  • Common names: jellyfish (cnidarian), crayfish (crustacean), silverfish (insect) starfish (echinoderm).
  • Felis silvestris catus: named F. catus by Linnaeus. Panthera leo, P. tigris; Puma concolor. A group of cats: clowder, male cat tom, female queen.
  • Clades: skippers Superfamily Hesperioidea but not moths? toads; Family Alligatoridae Caimans; Gryllidae crickets;
    Hedgehog gene: embryos covered with denticles (small pointy projections), like a hedgehog.
  • Strata: stratosphere 17-50 km between troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, ionosphere.
  • Aurora: Roman goddess of dawn, Greek Eos.