Eastern Central Bird Songs
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology Interactive Audio/Petersen Field Guide Series

01 Loons, Grebes, Swans, Geese- Common Loon-Pied-Billed Grebe-Tundra Swan
02 Marsh Ducks- Gadwall-Mallard-Northern Pintail-American Wigeon-Wood
03 Diving Ducks, Coots, Gallinules- Long-Tailed Duck-Common
04 Gulls- Herring Gull-Laughing Gull
05 Terns- Gull-Billed Tern-Royal Tern-Caspian Tern-Least Tern-Arctic Tern
06 Herons, Biterns, Cranes, And Limpkin- Great Blue
07 Rails- Viginia Rail-King Rail-Clapper Rail-Sora-Black Rial-Yellow Rail
08 Stilts and Plovers- Black-Necked Stilt-Black-Bellied
09 Large Sandpipers- American Woodcock-Common Snipe-Short-Billed
10 Sandpipers and Phalaropes- Solitary Sandpiper-Sanderling-Upland
11 Turkey, Grouse, And Quail- Wild Turkey-Ruffled Grouse-Ring-Necked
12 Hawks, Eagles and Falcons- Cooper's Hawk-Nothern
13 Owls- Short-Eared Owl-Eastern Screech-Owl-Long-Eared Owl-Great
14 Doves, Cuckoos, Goatsuckers- Mourning Dove-Common Ground-Dove-Yell
15 Hummingbirds and Kingfishers- Ruby-Throated Hummingbird-Belted
16 Woodpeckers- Red-Headed Woodpecker-Pileated Woodpecker-Northern
17 Tyrant Flycatcher- Eastern Kingbird-Western Kingbird-Gray Kingbird
18 Empidonax Flycatchers- Acadian Flycatcher-Yellow-Bellied Flycatcher
19 Larks and Pipits- Horned Lark-American Pipit
20 Swallows and Swfits- Purple Martin-Cliff Swallow-Barn Swallow-Tree
21 Crows and Jays- Fish Crow-American Crow-Common Raven-Blue Jay-Gray Jay
22 Titmice, Nuthatches, Creepers- Black-Capped Chickadee-Carolina
22 Titmice, Nuthatches, Creepers- Black-Capped Chickadee-Carolina
24 Mockingbirds, Thrashers, And Thrushes- Brown Thrasher-Northern
25 Shrikes and Waxwings- Loggerhead Shrike-Cedar Waxwing
26 Vireos- Red-Eyed Vireo-Black-Whiskered Vireo-Warbling Vireo-Philad
27 Warblers, Pt.1- Northern Parula-Yellow-Throated Warbler-Black-Throated
28 Warblers, Pt.2- Cape May Warbler-Chestnut-Sided
29 Warblers, Pt.3- Wilson's Warbler-Hooded Warbler-Golden-Winged Warbler
30 Blackbirds- Red-Winged Blackbird-Yellow-Headed
31 Orioles and Tanagers- Orchard Oriole-Baltimore Oriole-Bullock's Oriole
32 Finches, Buntings, And Grosbeaks, Pt.1- Dickcissel-Lapland Longspur
33 Finches, Buntings, And Grosbeaks, Pt.2- Common Redpoll-House Finch