Summer Woodland 2: Page 1, (Aliens in red)
Campanulaceae (Lobelia)
Campanula americana Tall Bellflower: Stems with milky sap, hollow, slightly winged. 5 fused petals, protruding stamens; long, curving style at center.
Hedeoma pulegioides American Pennyroyal: Pale-bluish flowers in small clusters around stem. Much-branched, somewhat hairy and square stem. Small leaves, thin and narrow. Entire herb has strong mint odor and pungent taste, used as food seasoning instead of salt.
Verbena urticifolia White Vervain (Nettle-leaved Vervain): Square hairy stem, rugose hairy leaves. Widely separated flowers.
Helianthus strumosus Pale-leaf Sunflower: Glabrous stems, thick rhizomes. Petiolate, thick leaves with rough upper surface and smooth or finely toothed edges, opposite except top 2 or 3. In Helianthus, disc flowers are female and form seeds, ray flowers are male.
Eupatorium rugosum White Snakeroot: Opposite serrated leaves. White disk flowers with long filaments and style. Contains barium sulphate. Cows which graze on the plant produce poisonous milk.
Centaurea jacea Brown Knapweed: egg-shaped or lance-shaped undivided leaves become smaller up ridged stem. 3-parted bracts.
Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle)
Triosteum perfoliatum Late Horse Gentian (Feverwort): Leaves entire with small hairs, clasp stem. Red flowers emerge from the axis of the leaves and are without stalks. Fruit a bright orange berry with three seeds, can be roasted and used as a coffee substitute.
Sanicula gregaria Clustered Black-snakeroot: Inconspicuous perfect terminal yellow flowers in groups of three. 5 leaflets. Bristly fruits with long styles; styles longer than bristles.
Urticaceae (Nettle)
Pilea pumila Clearweed: Deep green leaf is conspicuous in late summer. Small tannish flower clustered along stem. Stem of young plant appears to be translucent. Lacks stinging barbs.